Learning and Leadership

Learning and Leadership


Maximising every child’s potential through academic, sporting, artistic and leadership opportunities.


At Windsor Primary School we provide supportive and high quality teaching where children learn across a broad range of topics including English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Humanities, Languages, Physical Education and Health, and the Arts.

Literacy and numeracy are core to our teaching and learning. Windsor Primary teaches the Victorian Curriculum, but also recognises some students will require Individual Learning Improvement Plans. The School uses a range of online and digital learning tools and access to extension programs.

Knowing what your child is learning helps you support them throughout their education. In this section, you can find out more information on:

Curriculum and Learning

Curriculum, specialist learning areas, inquiry-based learning, assessment, learning support, extension, additional academic opportunities.

Learning outside the classroom

Excursions, camps, extra-curricular opportunities.

Learning through student leadership

Leadership opportunities available to students develop vital life skills.

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